hey , who is this ?

Foto saya
bang ai, that's my "daily called". 13 years old. simple, love music, my family, skinny jeans. short jeans, distro , chocolate, BR & NZ Natural, Grand Indo, Plaza senayan, Sency, Pacific place, PIM, Maximum Tune 3DX and 080808. i can't rate myself, how about you?

Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008


eh eh eh eh .. gw mw ngasih tw nh UTS BAHASA ARAB YG KEA DODOL !!

jdi th tadi uts b.arab tuh yeee ...
n then, plek ..
when i see the question .. ta daaa ..

don't believe if the question is in arabian language ! oh my god, OMG, oh my oh my oh my ( baca: lebay ) .

spontan aja gw lgsg frustasi gtu, haha .. bgung nii d apain lagi, ni apaan ya? ni artinya apa ya? dan bla bla bla ( baca: gapenting ) .

so damn, but when i ask some teacher , i know the meaning, and ta daa ..

i finished the test, even i ask some answer to my friends too ..
haha ..

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